VS. Mediation & Arbitration Services is located at 401 Boston Ave., El Paso, TX 79902, between Kansas and Campbell Streets with ample parking via the Campbell Street entrance.
This building has an interesting history. Between 1925 and 1945, Dudley Elementary School was at this site. Since that time, the building has been occupied by various occupants, including a fraternity and a doctor’s office. In 2017, the building was purchased by El Paso Attorney Mary Stillinger and is now the location of The Law Offices of Stillinger & Godinez.
The exterior and interior have been beautifully redecorated with conference rooms and other spaces for conducting mediations and arbitrations.
Contact us:
401 Boston Avenue
El Paso, Texas 79902
Office: (915) 701-2466
e-mail: info@vsmediation.com